Tag: covid 19

COVID-19 Vaccinations: What You Need to Know
February 2, 2021 | Brain and Spine SpecialistsWith COVID-19 numbers on the rise and vaccinations being rolled out worldwide, many of you may be wondering how you can get yours locally. COVID-19 vaccinations are now available in Bay County and surrounding areas of Northwest Florida for seniors…

How to Ensure Your Quarantined Loved Ones Still Feel Loved
December 18, 2020 | Brain and Spine SpecialistsQuarantine can be a very lonely time for everyone Quarantine is especially lonely for our older loved ones who we can’t see because of the Coronavirus. It’s so important to make sure the people in your life know you’re still…

Understanding Anxiety Caused by Doctor Visits
November 16, 2020 | Brain and Spine SpecialistsDo you ever feel your chest go tight or your legs bounce up and down uncontrollably as you sit in your doctor’s office waiting room? If you do, then you might be suffering from anxiety caused by iatrophobia, or the…

Dementia vs. COVID 19: What You Need To Know
September 3, 2020 | Brain and Spine SpecialistsWhat is Dementia? Dementia is a group of diseases that can impair memory, concentration, and other cognitive abilities. Cognitive symptoms range from memory loss, confusion, and difficulty communicating and problem solving to uncoordinated motor functions and the inability to plan…