
What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome?: Symptoms and Causes Explained

July 23, 2024 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Our immune system is a powerful defense against illness. But sometimes, it can malfunction. That’s exactly what happens in Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare but serious autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nerves. Here’s the strange part: GBS often shows…

Understanding the Key Differences Between Anxiety Tingling and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Tingling

June 12, 2024 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Have you ever felt a strange tingling sensation and wondered if it’s something serious like multiple sclerosis (MS) or maybe just situational anxiety? You’re not alone. Lots of people experience bouts of anxiety, and it can cause symptoms that mimic…

Neurological vs Psychological – A Closer Look at Neurologists and Psychiatrists

March 21, 2024 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Understanding the distinction between neurological and psychological issues is vital in the healthcare landscape, especially considering the potential for significant overlap between the two. In a nutshell, Neurology specializes in disorders affecting the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord,…

What Does a Neurologist Do on Your First Visit? Preparing for Your Appointment

January 24, 2024 | Brain and Spine Specialists

As we step into a new year, prioritizing health becomes a key resolution for many. Visiting a neurologist for the first time can be a part of this journey. This blog aims to demystify the process and help you prepare…

When to See a Brain and Spine Specialist After an Accident

September 21, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Auto accidents are an unfortunate fact of life. Riding in a car often feels like a secure, safe environment. However, when an auto accident occurs, the reality is that the human body is not designed to withstand the force of the collision. Even…

Which Part of Brain Controls Balance?

August 16, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

NOTICE: It is important to remember that dizziness can sometimes be a sign of stroke. If you experience dizziness paired with confusion, double vision, headache or numbness on one side of your body, please seek emergency medical attention. Several parts…

Can Brain and Spine Myelin be Healed?

July 29, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

The nervous system is a delicate and intricate system with hundreds of billions of moving parts that control every aspect of your body’s functioning. With all those sensitive nerve endings and signal receptors comes the need for some type of…

“Regular” Pain or Neuropathy? What’s the Difference?

June 9, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

It is nearly impossible to predict when pain will strike. When pain is present, knowing what is causing it (and addressing it as soon as possible) is critical, as it may signal a broader underlying problem. But how can you…

What are the Types of Pain Management?

April 5, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Pain is a basic human instinct that is characterized by nerves responding to external or internal stimuli in a way that the brain can recognize and process. This instinct plays a critical role in human survival but can sometimes do…

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

February 23, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Among the most common nerve disorders patients experience today, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects more than eight million people across the globe each year and is often very treatable. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms The most common symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome…