How The Nervous System Detects and Interprets Pain

How The Nervous System Detects and Interprets Pain

August 20, 2024 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Pain is a deeply personal and complex experience that acts as a vital alert system, warning us of potential harm and prompting us to take protective action. For example, if you experience persistent headaches that interfere with daily life, shooting…

How Cold Weather Can Aggravate Nerve Pain and 5 Tips to Find Relief

How Cold Weather Can Aggravate Nerve Pain and 5 Tips to Find Relief

December 19, 2023 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Winter in Florida may not bring snow, but the cooler days we experience can still pose challenges for those suffering from nerve-related pain. At Brain and Spine Specialists, we often notice that it’s more than just a coincidence when patients…

Migraine Vs Headache: When to See a Doctor

Migraine Vs Headache: When to See a Doctor

March 22, 2023 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? If so, it’s likely that you have found yourself wondering what the differences between these two common ailments are—and when to seek medical help. While they may seem similar, there are key distinctions…

“Regular” Pain or Neuropathy? What’s the Difference?

“Regular” Pain or Neuropathy? What’s the Difference?

June 9, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

It is nearly impossible to predict when pain will strike. When pain is present, knowing what is causing it (and addressing it as soon as possible) is critical, as it may signal a broader underlying problem. But how can you…

The Most Common Causes of Back Pain and How to Prevent Them

The Most Common Causes of Back Pain and How to Prevent Them

May 17, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Back pain is a prevalent ailment among the global population, affecting approximately one in every four people. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, increased stress and even lack of exercise. Fortunately, there are several…

What are the Types of Pain Management?

What are the Types of Pain Management?

April 5, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Pain is a basic human instinct that is characterized by nerves responding to external or internal stimuli in a way that the brain can recognize and process. This instinct plays a critical role in human survival but can sometimes do…

What Spine Vertebrae Correspond to Different Areas of Pain?

What Spine Vertebrae Correspond to Different Areas of Pain?

March 23, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

The spine is a fascinating part of the human anatomy that is made up of many intricate parts working together to support the core of a torso. In total, there are seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae,…

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

February 23, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Among the most common nerve disorders patients experience today, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects more than eight million people across the globe each year and is often very treatable. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms The most common symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome…

What is an Epidural?

What is an Epidural?

January 13, 2022 | Brain and Spine Specialists

We hear about epidural injections frequently in the medical world, but what exactly are they? An epidural injection is a minimally invasive method of relieving pain and/or swelling for patients that are not responding to the more conservative treatments. The…

Brain Specialists & Spine Specialists: What’s the Difference?

Brain Specialists & Spine Specialists: What’s the Difference?

October 6, 2021 | Brain and Spine Specialists

Often in the world of Neurology, brain specialists and spine specialists are lumped into one category. The fact of the matter is that the two specialists have some similarities but many differences as well. With complex symptoms and diagnoses becoming…