
Alzheimer’s Disease: Do You Have All Of The Facts?

September 15, 2020 | Brain and Spine Specialists

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s Disease is a brain disorder that deteriorates memory and thinking skills. Eventually, the ability to do daily tasks will soon decline as well. Alzheimer’s is the most common reason for the loss of cognitive functioning, remembering, and reasoning. Behavioral skills with a person’s daily life and activities will also be affected in the later stages. The damage initially appears to occur in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex; this is the brain that controls forming memories. As more neurons die, additional aspects of the mind are affected. By the final stage, the damage is visible throughout the entire brain. 


Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

One of the symptoms of the beginning of the first stage of Alzheimer’s Disease to keep an eye out for is your loved one taking longer to complete routine daily tasks. Others could be repeating questions, wandering and getting lost, trouble handling money and paying bills, and personality and behavioral changes. People are often diagnosed in this stage.

Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease

Your loved one may have already been diagnosed by the time they reach this stage. Here are common occurrences that one may go through in this troubling second stage of Alzheimer’s Disease. Language, reasoning, sensory processing, and conscious thought will all be affected. You begin to have problems recognizing family and friends as their memory worsens, loved one may not be able to identify you, your family, or friends. They may not learn new tasks and carry out multi step tasks such as getting dressed or coping with new situations.

Severe Alzheimer’s Disease

Unfortunately, your loved one will no longer be in control of their independence at this stage. People with severe Alzheimer’s cannot communicate and will be almost entirely bedridden.

Treatment and Prevention

A healthy diet, physical activity, and mentally stimulating activities have all been associated with helping people stay healthy as they age. Maintaining this healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s Disease. Although this is not proven, it is certainly never a bad idea to stay as healthy as possible.

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, but hope has not been lost. Current studies focus on helping people maintain mental function, manage behavioral symptoms, and slow down specific problems, such as memory loss.


Educating yourself on the effects and issues that arise from the Disease is your first step in long term care. Joining a support group could be a critical lifeline for those caring for their loved ones. These support groups allow them to express concerns, share experiences, and get tips to make their quality of life more enjoyable.

Brain and Spine Specialists

Brain and Spine Specialists have extensive training in all areas of Alzheimer’s Disease. We know and are trained to look for specific indicators in order to make a diagnosis. If you or your loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, don’t hesitate to let our trained professionals evaluate and design a treatment plan catered to you or your loved one. 
